How Will It Happen…

It will take a while, & we can’t go into too much detail, but our main goals include:


No matter what your views are, we can all agree all we want is the best for our families, children, neighbors, and loved ones. We are never going to see eye to eye on everything. But if we work together on finding a middle ground, instead of just winning. We will be building in software that rewards people with different political backgrounds who work together on ideas.


We want to create an environment where the best ideas/conversations are heard by everyone so we aren’t just discussing the same thing in echo chambers.  We are working on systems that make it easy for you to find the best ideas to discuss with an ongoing emphasis on ways to get those ideas to the politicians who need to hear them, & make them listen!


For our members, we are working on ways to create accountability for their comments.  Members who are continually respected will get better results in our system. So the more respect you show to the community, the more you will get back. Beyond that, we want to be able to track politicians the same way. If they aren’t following with what their constituents want, you will know.


We are working on creating a system that will easily show politicians how their constituents (you) are for or against current bills, issues, ethics, etc. The goal here is so you can also easily see if you see your politicians are lining up with your values or not based on the community. If they are not in line with you, vote them out for someone that does fit with what you believe.


We want to make it easy for both sides to discuss what is seen in the media. Call it fake news, misinformation, or flat out lies. Everyone has a different perspective on what is going on in the world. We want to let the people boil it down as to why they see it a certain way and create accountability for websites, news, television, and ultimately the politicians themselves.


Ultimately our goal is to make every person actually have a voice. Right now most everyone has the attitude of “what can I do about it”? We want to create an avenue where people know exactly how they can make a difference and politicians know that they are going to be held to the will of the poeple. Not special interests or big business, but what is best for you!


# Of Federal Government Officials


# Of State Government Officials


# Of Local Government Officials


Total Elected Officials

We Need A better system…

There are too many politicians not meeting the needs of the people they serve. We need a way to make them take notice and be accountable to the people they are supposed to be serving!


Join us today and help us start building this movement!

We have the foundation, and are working on the tools to make all of this happen, but more than anything we just need you to signup and get active in this community! The faster we grow, the faster we can build!